

The young gull is growing up fast and despite being home alone for long stretches, being left outside in all weathers and staying up far later than any youngster surely should, he seems to be doing alright. Here he is a couple of weeks ago, on a rainy day, eleven days older than when I first photographed him the day he arrived on the roof.

Working out how to take a drink

19/6/13 Who’s that in there?

There must be an easier way

Is this the only way to get a drink?

Mum doesn't make it look any easier

Mum doesn’t make it look any easier

Perhaps it'll be easier sitting down

Perhaps it’ll be easier sitting down

That's a bit better

That’s a bit better

I wonder if I can float

I wonder if I can float

Dealing with an itch

Dealing with an itch

Nice and clean and cute

Nice and clean and cute

Tucked up taking a nap

Tucked up and taking a nap